Go to the EJU Online homepage Click “成績確認専用ページ” https://eju-online.jasso.go.jp/src/CMNLOGIN010.php
Go to “マイページ”
Select Japanese or English
Click on “上記内容に同意します”, then click “次へ”
(Mandatory) Enter the details and click “入力内容を確認する” * Make sure not to forget your mail address and password * Password must have upper-case, lower-case and numbers → Click “登録する”
You will receive and email with a URL, enter your password and click “認証する”
You will receive another email, enter your my page ID (マイページID) and then your password from part ⑤ to login.
Click “受験情報の登録” → (Mandatory) Enter all information * Test Time: 2021(令和3年度)1st * Place: Tokyo (東京) * Examination Number: Written on your examination ticket ** If you fail 5 times the account will be locked → Click “入力内容を確認する”
After entering all details, click “成績確認” on part ⑧
Please inform your teacher of the result.